To Protect and Preserve: An Early History of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois, 1900-1930

Sources cited and consulted

Most of the materials used in this online exhibit are housed at University of Illinois Chicago Library, Special Collections and University Archives.

Manuscript collections housed at University of Illinois Chicago Library

Rare book collections housed at University of Illinois Chicago Library

Sources consulted for the 2023 version of this online exhibit

Bump Vena, Natalie. Who Put the “Forest” in the Forest Preserves?, at <>, March 4, 2015 [accessed November 11, 2022].

Forest Preserve District of Cook County. "Who We Are/" <> [accessed 3 November 2023].

Sources cited and consulted for the original online exhibit

Anonymous or unattributed newspaper articles

“Aim at Public Forests,” Chicago Tribune, 22 April 1904, p. 14.
“City and County Join to Honor Peter Reinberg,” Chicago Tribune, 22 February 1921, p. 7.
“Close Election in Cook County,” Chicago Tribune, 8 November 1905, p. 8.
“Cook County’s First Natural Park Dedicated,” Chicago Tribune, 17 June 1917, p. 3.
“Court Act Halts Forest Preserve,” Chicago Tribune, 16 November 1910, p. 1.
“Daniel Burnham, Architect, Dead,” Chicago Tribune, 2 June 1912, p. 2.
“Dwight Perkins, Noted Chicago Architect, Dies,” Chicago Tribune, 3 November 1941, p. 24.
“F. L. Olmsted Is Dead,” Chicago Tribune, 30 August 1903, p. 18.
“For a Skokie Preserve,” Chicago Tribune, 4 August 1916, p. 6.
“Forest Preserve Act Knocked Out,” Chicago Tribune, 22 December 1911, p. 6.
“Forest Preserve Law Wiped Out By Supreme Court,” Chicago Tribune, 21 June 1911, p. 1, 6.
“Forest Preserves Must Grow,” Chicago Tribune, 13 March 1961.
"The Forest Preserves of Cook County. Chicago: Clohesey & Company, Printers, 1921.
“Forest Preserve Still in Pickle,” Chicago Tribune, 9 November 1905, p. 3.
“Forest Preserve Struggle Is On,” Chicago Tribune, 23 October 1905, p. 1-2.
“Forest Reserve Lacks a Majority,” Chicago Tribune, 8 November 1905, p. 1.
“Frederick Law Olmsted,” Chicago Tribune, 8 September 1890, p. 1.
“Increase for Forest Belt,” Chicago Tribune, 15 August 1916, p. 14.
“Inspect Outer Park Belt,” Chicago Tribune, 27 April 1909, p. 5.
"Outer Parks Needed,” Chicago Tribune, 23 April 1904, p. 4.
“Peter Reinberg Dies Suddenly at Home,” Chicago Tribune, 21 February 1921, p. 1.
“Plans Complete for Vast Parks,” Chicago Tribune, 24 April 1904. p. 8.
“‘Real Country’ in Parks,” Chicago Tribune, 1 June 1905, p. 3.
“Scores a Point for Outer Parks,” Chicago Tribune, 4 November 1905, p. 6.
“Sees Need for 84 More Parks,” Chicago Tribune, 29 January 1905, p. 7.
"This is a Conservation Proposition." Pamphlet from 1905.
“This Is How the Little Ballot Should Be Marked by All Voters,” Chicago Tribune, 5 November 1905, p. B4.
“Wayman Blocks Forest Preserve,” Chicago Tribune, 1 December 1910, p. 1.

Attributed publications

(Please note that many of the links below may be defunct. They are listed here in order to provide a complete record of the sources consulted.)

Arcitech, gallery of architectural art. “Daniel Hudson Burnham.” (accessed 23 July 2009).

Bachrach, Julia Sniderman. The City In A Garden: A Photographic History of Chicago’s Parks. Placitas, NM: Center for Places, 2001. 

Bachrach, Julia Sniderman. “Jens Jensen:  Friend of the Native Landscape” Chicago Wilderness Magazine Spring 2001). [accessed 23 July 2009].

Brooks, H. Allen.  “Architecture: The Prairie School.” Encyclopedia of Chicago. [accessed 27 July 2009].

Brooks, H. Allen. The Prairie School. New York:  W. W. Norton, 2006.

[C. B., letter to the editor], “The Forest Preserves,” Chicago Tribune, 19 March 1961, p. 20.

Chicago, department of development, landmarks division. “Chicago Landmarks.” (accessed 23 July 2009). 

Chicago Evening Post. The Book of Chicago. Chicago: Chicago Evening Post, 1911.

Cook County.  “Historical Listing of Cook County Board Presidents.” (accessed 23 July 2009).

Foreman, Henry G.  Outer Belt of Forest Preserves and Parkways for Chicago and Cook County, Address by President Henry G. Foreman to the Outer Belt Park Commission, Delivered on April 21, 1904. Reprinted, by authority, from the Official Proceedings of the County Board.  Special Collections, Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Forest Preserve District of Cook County. “The Early History of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, 1869-1922. ” (accessed 28 July 2009).

Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Official Records of the Proceedings of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. [1915-1917]. Chicago: Calumet Publishing Co., 1918.

Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Official Records of the Proceedings of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. [1918]. Chicago: Calumet Publishing Co., 1919.

Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Official Records of the Proceedings of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. [1919]. Chicago: Calumet Publishing Co., 1920.

Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Official Records of the Proceedings of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. [1920]. Chicago: Calumet Publishing Co., 1921.

Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Official Records of the Proceedings of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. [1921]. Chicago: Calumet Publishing Co., 1922.

Forest Preserve District of Cook County v. Clara L. Bass, et al. (1922). Testimony.

Frederick Law Olmsted papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington D. C.

Goodspeed, W..A. History of Cook County, Illinois, Volume 2. Chicago: Goodspeed Historical Association, 1909.

Harff, James. “Battle of ‘Dreamer’ Dwight Perkins, Father of Forest Preserves, Recalled,” Evanston Review, 1 July 1965, no page number.

Hayes, William P. “Development of the Forest Preserves of Cook County.” M.A. Thesis,    
DePaul University, 1949. 

Hyde, Henry M. “Chicago Forest, 3 Times Voted, Still Afar Off,” Chicago Tribune, 5 January 1915, p. 13.

Hyde, Henry M. “Way Cleared Fore Forest Reserve Plan,” Chicago Tribune, 18 February 1916, p. 13.

Illinois. General Assembly. Laws passed by the Seventy-Second General Assembly of the State of Illinois at their 1961 Session. Volume I. Springfield, 1962.

Jane Addams Hull House Association. (accessed 27 July 2009).

Jens Jensen Legacy Project. (accessed 28 July 2009).

Jensen, Jens, Henry C. Cowles, Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, Edison L. Wheeler, and Eames Mac Veagh. The Friends of Our Native Landscape. C. 1915.

Johnson, Mary Ann.  “Hull House.”  Encyclopedia of Chicago. [accessed 27 July 2009].

Moore, Charles. Daniel H. Burnham: Architect, Planner of Cities (Boston: Houghton MifflinCompany, 1921.

Parker, Christopher. (accessed 28 July 2009).

Prairie Styles. “Dwight Perkins.” Prairie Styles. (accessed 28 July 2009).

Ryan, Daniel. Annual Message of Daniel Ryan, President of the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for the Fiscal Year of 1921. Chicago: Clohesey & Co., 1922.

Smith, Carl.  “The Plan of Chicago.” Encyclopedia of Chicago. (accessed 27 July 2009).

Special Park Commission. Report of the Special Park Commission on the Subject of a Metropolitan Park System Chicago:    W. J. Hartman, 1905. 

Wacker, Charles H., “Building a City without Plan Peril to Values:  Chairman of Chicago Commission Points Out Necessity of System,” Chicago Tribune, 2 November 1914, p. 17.

Wacker, Charles H. “Little Ballot ‘Yes’ Means New Era for Chicago,” Chicago Tribune, 2 November 1914, p. 17.

Washburn v. Forest Preserve District of Cook County 313 Ill. 130 (1924).

Waterman, A.N. Historical Review of Chicago and Cook County and Selected Biography. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1908.

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