The Historic Netsch CampusMain MenuThe Historic Netsch Campus Walking TourThe Historic Netsch Campus Walking TourCampus Plans: From Navy Pier to the University of Illinois Chicago CircleWalter Netsch's Unique Campus DesignChronology of Campus ConstructionHarrison-Halsted NeighborhoodBlock "I" Window DesignHarrison and HalstedHistoric ArtifactsThe Circle ForumThe Site of Turner GateThe Architecture and Art buildingSecond-Story WalkwaysHenry Hall and Jefferson HallUniversity HallBehavioral Sciences buildingStevenson HallLincoln, Douglass, and Grant HallsRichard J. Daley LibraryScience and Engineering OfficesTaft, Burnham, and Addams HallsScience and Engineering LaboratoriesScience and Engineering SouthBlue Island CorridorMemorial GroveGreen Architecture at UICLeanna Barcelonab78d4da7f92616ae537951578811de1af3a3c396Amara Andrew4c3de93e76c0cd744fba27cfbd00636d5347adad
Students on the elevated walkway with Stevenson Hall and University Hall in the background.
12020-10-30T09:36:19-05:00Stevenson Hall1gallery2020-10-30T09:36:19-05:00Stevenson Hall is named for Adlai E. Stevenson I, a Congressman from Illinois and the twenty-third Vice President of the United States. The two classroom buildings that were to form a cluster with Stevenson Hall were never built.