The Historic Netsch Campus

Chronology of Campus Construction

Phase One – 1963 to 1965

When the university opened in February 1965, only Phase One buildings were ready. They consisted of University Hall, the Lecture Centers, the original Library, the north section of Science and Engineering Labs, and the following classroom buildings: Jefferson, Grant, Douglas, Lincoln, Burnham, Addams, and Taft.

Architects working under Netsch included C.F. Murphy, who designed the two student unions. Chicago Circle Center, known today as Student Center East, and Chicago Illini Union, or Student Center West, were both built during the first phase of campus construction.

Phase Two – 1966 to 1968

Buildings added in Phase Two were the north and south additions to the library, the south section of Science and Engineering Labs, Science and Engineering Offices, Architecture and Art, as well as Henry and Stevenson Halls. All were designed by Walter Netsch.

Phase Three – 1967 to 1971

The Behavioral Science Building and Science and Engineering South, both designed by Walter Netsch, were constructed between 1967 and 1969. Architect Harry Weese designed the Physical Education Building, the UIC Theater, and the Education, Performing Arts, and Social Work building, which were erected between 1968 and 1971.

The following projects scheduled for Phase Three were cancelled: Architecture and Art addition, west wing additions to the library, and two classroom buildings which were to form a cluster with Stevenson Hall.

Phase Four – 1970

All Phase Four buildings were cancelled. These included Netsch’s addition to Science and Engineering South and Harry Weese’s Performing Arts and Classroom/Office Building.

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